Dushman Se Nijat Ka Wazifa

Kya aap apne dushman se pareshan hain aur aapke dushman ne aapka jeena mushkil kar rakha hai? Kya aapke dushman ne bewajah aapka jeena mushkil kar raha? Agar aap bhi apne dushman se pareshan hai to Molvi Pir Mohammad Qadri ji se rabta kare aur dushman se nijat ka wazifa hasil kare.
“Allahumma munzilal-kitab, wa mujriyas-sahab, wa hazimal-Ahzab, ihzimhum wansurna alaihim”

Dushman Se Nijat Ka Wazifa Aur Amal

  • Take a clean wooden piece of Neem
  • Before beginning this Dushman Se Nijat ka wazifa you need to make wuzu appropriately.
  • Sit in an empty room at a clean place.
  • Take a bit of clear paper and compose your enemy’s name alongside his/her mother’s name on that piece of paper.
  • Recite Durood E Sharif for 11 times.
  • Discuss Surah Kausar for 11 times.
Dushman Se Nijat Ka Wazifa
  • Discuss Bismillah hirRa’hmaan nirRa’heem for 1000 circumstances.
  • In the wake of reciting Bismillah hirRa’hmaan nirRa’heem for every 100 circumstances, you need to blow your breath on the piece of neem wood piece. Do similar things 10 times.
  • Recite Durood E Shareef for 11 times and blow your breath on neem wood piece.
  • Slowly-Slowly move down the paper piece of paper (on which you wrote your enemy’s name) on the neem wood piece.
  • At that point Pray to Allah (SWT) to shield you from your adversaries.
  • Keep the neem wood piece on which paper is moved to a place where nobody can reach.
The previously mentioned Dushman se Nijat Ka Wazifa is extremely successful and it will definitely give you triumph over your adversaries.

Contact Details :

Name -            Molana Pir Muhammad Qadri                     
Phone -            +91-9855287215                     
Email -             pirmuhammadqadri@gmail.com                  
Website -         http://www.surahdua.com/         
Original Source - Surah Dua Wordpress     


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